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Helder Vasconcelos

  • Category Artists and companies
  • Since 1992
  • Interaction with countries 16


Musician, actor and dancer, he is one of the founders of Mestre Ambrósio, a band from Pernambuco, working with them from 1992 to 2003. With the band he toured through Europe, the U.S.A and Japan and played on the Brazilian main stages and events, recording three CDs. He credits his education to the non-academic learning of the Cavalo Marinha and Maracatu Rural and to art studies as an actor belonging to the Lume Group, from Unicamp, Campinas - SP. In his solo career he has created the acts "Espiral Brinquedo Meu" (2004), “Por Si Só” (2007) and “Eu Sou“ (2016). In partnership with Batebit Artesania Digital, digital music and dance instruments are being developed and assembled. He is the founder and coordinator of the Boi Marinho group, which has been part of Pernambuco's carnival since the 2000's. On the movies he acted on the following feature-films "Perfumed Ball", “O Homem que Desafio o Diabo”, “A Luneta do Tempo” and “Entre Irmãs”. Since 1998 he is engaged in a education project with workshops, courses and experiences. He also acts on the making of soundtracks and as a consultant, coach, director. As a lecturer he has participated on TedxUFPE from 2015 to 2017.

About his work:

Mestre Ambrósio (1992 a 2003);Maracatu Rural Piaba de Ouro (1992 until present days);Boi da Gurita Seca (1992 a 1999);Boi Marinho (2000 until present days);Espiral Brinquedo Meu (2004);Por Si Só (2007);Eu Sou (2008).
{"url":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/Helder-Vasconcelos-113972394563","image":"facebook.svg","name":"Facebook"} {"url":"https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/heldervasconcelospoeira\/","image":"instagram.svg","name":"Instagram"} {"url":"www.youtube.com\/HelderVasconcelos","image":"youtube.svg","name":"Youtube"}


  • hvs@uol.com.br
  • +55 81 9 9607-2273
  • www.heldervasconcelos.com.br

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