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Centro de Formação e Pesquisa de Artes Cênicas Apolo-Hermilo

  • Category Cultural aparells
  • Since 2000
  • Interaction with countries 11
  • Members 100


The Performing Arts and Research and Training Centers, constituted by the Apolo and Hermilo Borba Filho Theaters was, at the beginning, called Experimental Center. It began when the warehouses at the back of Apolo Theater was revamped into a performing place, already dedicated to experimenting and training. It opened its doors in 1987, with the assembly of O Balcão, by Jean Genet, directed by Antonio Cadengue and performed by the students from the Performing Arts graduation of the Federal University of Pernambuco. In 1988 the Experimental center was heavily renovated and opened its doors with multiple uses, retractable bleachers, with various scenic formats, being named after the playwright from Pernambuco Hermilo Borba Filho. In the year 2000 it was renamed as Apolo-Hermilo Performing Arts Training and Research Center, and received new sound, lights and air conditioning systems. Apolo Theater was Recife’s first theater. It was built in 1839 by the Harmônico Theatral Society and was opened to the public in 1842. It worked for 18 years, soon being closed and becoming a sugar warehouse.

About its work


  • Regarde-moi encore - Fatou Cissé (Dakar-SEN/FRA) TEATRO HERMILO BORBA FILHO.
  • Diafragma: dispositivo versão beta Flavia Pinheiro (Recife - BRA/Buenos Aires - ARG) TEATRO HERMILO BORBA FILHO.


  • Hyperterrestres Benoît Lachambre & Fabrice Ramalingom (Montreal-Canada | Montpellier-França Teatro Apolo
  • Nije Federica Folco (Montevidéu-Uruguai) Teatro Hermilo Borba Filho
  • Accidens Groupe Entorse (Caen – França) Teatro Apolo
  • Turbio Carla Di Grazia (Buenos Aires-Argentina Teatro Apolo
  • MoralAmoralInmoral Agustina Fitzsimons, Brenda Lucía Carlini, Marta Salinas y Milva Leonardi (Buenos Aires-Argentina Teatro Apolo
  • De cómo estar con otros Celia Argüello (Buenos Aires-Argentina) Teatro Hermilo Borba Filho
  • Caminos Cia PUCKLLAY (Lima-Peru) Teatro Apolo
  • Moeraki Soares-Castronovo-Di Grazia (Buenos Aires-Argentina) Teatro Hermilo Borba Filho


  • Daimón Luis Garay/Karen Carabajal (Argentina). Teatro Hermilo Borba Filho
  • Chipping Anna Konjetzky (Alemanha). Teatro Apolo
  • Anarthas Cia Nalini (BRASIL). Teatro Hermilo Borba Filho
  • Sing The Positions Cia Ioannis Mandafounis (Suíça). Teatro Hermilo Borba Filho
  • Las Actrices Siempren Mientenel Pollo Campero / Comidas para llevar (Espanha). Teatro Hermilo Borba Filho
  • Nos, Tupi or Not Tupi? Cie R.A.M.a (França). Teatro Apolo


  • Acto Blanco Laura Figueiras y Carla Rímelo (Argentina) Teatro Apolo


  • Retrópica Mari Paula (Espanha) Teatro Apolo
  • Devoarate Mari Paula (Espanha) - Teatro Hermilo
  • Empty Floor Imperfect Dancer Company (Itália) - Teatro Apolo
  • Pulse(s) Filipe Lourenço Company (França) - Teatro Hermilo


  • centroapolohermilo.pauta@gmail.com
  • +55 81 3355-3319
  • +55 81 3355-3321
  • 55 81 99541-4444

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